Hello JWD:
I've been following many of your posts with interest in how the work in fairing in Japan. I remember Japan being held up to us as a model to follow....their zeal, their total dedication to put their lives on hold to further the kingdom interests...etc.
Now to see the org. lessening it's grip by "loosening the rules on young people" is very typical. I'm beginning to see the pattern the WTS follows when things are meeting with opposition now.
I find that so amazing, when you related the WTS encourages members to become involved in community affairs, PTA etc. What a sharp contrast to here, in our lands, when the work was just barreling along. Any involvement in community affairs and PTA's etc. was frowned upon to the point of being absolutely unacceptable if one was to be considered a mature example.
The new "encouragement" to try to re-kindle the fire in df'd or da'd ones is really suspect as to the real reason....concern for the person or concern for the numbers.
At this weekends CA, the emphasis was put on studying with people longer that before. Go farther than the 'Require' brochure and the 'Knowledge' book.....now carry on into another book, "if the person seems to need more encouragement and seems worthy through their display of interest but maybe circumstances are holding him back".
What a far cry from "the 6-month study course and you must be ready for baptism" mentality.
All these signs indicate to me a lot of rumbling going on in the "inner sanctum" of the borg.
One point that stuck out in my mind in this weekend's 1-day CA, was the emphasis put on "there are no rules in the WTS, only principles", an obvious attempt to downplay the rigidity of the picture that is being painted of them, (which btw is only through their own doing).
Had Enough